5 Easy Ways to Upgrade Your At-Home Yoga Game

Doing yoga remotely has been a gamechanger for so many people. It allows for a more flexible schedule, there’s no commute, you don’t have to worry about looking a certain way around strangers in your class, there’s no judgment – you get the picture. But there is something to be said for the calm, clean and tranquil atmosphere of an in-person yoga studio.

Most people don’t have the space to have a spot in their home that’s dedicated to their yoga practice 100% of the time. But if you have a small space, there’s no reason why you can’t up your at-home yoga game with just a few simple enhancements.

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Light some candles

Try turning off lights and adding a few candles around your mat for a dimly lit, flickering flow. Just be sure that the candles are far enough away from your mat that you won’t accidentally knock it over while going through your practice.

Hang some photos

A well-placed photo or wall accent can have a big influence on your yoga practice. During almost any yoga pose, but especially balancing poses, it’s helpful to find your drishti. This is a point that you can focus your eyes on to help remain calm and balanced no matter that precarious position you might be in. Place a photo or painting right in front of your mat, something interesting enough to focus on but not too busy that your eyes will be darting all over the place.

Make it green

Bring a few house plants over to your little yoga corner. Plants help regulate humidity, purify the air and increase positivity levels. Studies have shown that being surrounded by plants makes people feel calmer and more relaxed.

Buy an air purifier

Even when you’re in your own house, it’s common for inside air to become stagnant and hold on to harmful bacteria and microbes, according to the EPA. If you’re making a habit of exercising in the same spot every day or a few times a week, you’re increasing the number of harmful partials in the air. Putting an air purifier near your mat helps clean the space, meaning you’ll get a breath of fresh air throughout your entire practice.

Open the blinds

If at all possible, pick a spot near a window. Researchers have found that exercising in natural light helps improve energy, focus and motivation because it adjusts your body to a more regular circadian rhythm. That, in turn, can help you fend off diseases like seasonal affective disorder, obesity and chronic fatigue.

Sure, your neighbors might see you, but your Warrior 2 is looking awesome, and you should show it off!

At the end of the day, anything that makes your space comfortable and peaceful is the perfect addition to your at-home yoga setup.