Yoga By The Numbers

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More than 300 million people across the world practice yoga – and we’re sure that the countless physical and spiritual benefits have something to do with it.

The practice has gotten a lot of attention from every corner of society – from scientists analyzing its effects on the brain, to fitness buffs looking for a good workout, to Instagram models shooting an aesthetic photo to workplaces that want to offer mindfulness and mental health resources for their employees.

Whatever brought people in, yoga has become a worldwide phenomenon. So we took a look at the practice by the numbers.

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Most people find yoga in the middle of their life – the majority of yogis are between the ages of 30 and 49 years old.

Yoga is an Indian physical and spiritual discipline that dates back more than 5,000 years.

50% of yogis worldwide are Indian.


Yoga can lower your blood pressure by 26 points in just 3 months.

Yoga can be incredibly beneficial for cancer survivors – it’s been shown to reduce inflammatory markers in breast cancer survivors after just 12 weeks.  

A regular yoga practice can lower your cholesterol by 23% and can be enormously beneficial for people battling heart disease.

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1.7 million children practice yoga in the United States.

The majority of yogis started their practice because they wanted to increase flexibility and lower their stress.

There are currently more than 100,000 yoga instructors in the US.

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1 in 3 people in the US have tried yoga at least once.

Yoga as a business has boomed in the US with more than 6,000 studios open.

75% of people who practice yoga also have some other form of regular exercise on top of it.